Kakva je metoda identifikacije kvalitetaJastučići za kočnice kamiona? PustitiProizvođači auto kočniceReci ti.
The truck travels all year round, and the wear and tear of many accessories on the car is inevitable, and the brake pads are one of the wearing parts, which need to be inspected and replaced from time to time. In the replacement process, some black-hearted businesses, because they want to seek violence, will place some fake and shoddy products on, not only the quality is not guaranteed, but also the serious situation will cause great danger to the driving safety of the Vlasnik. Kako reći istinu?
1 Pogledajte ambalažu i certifikaciju proizvoda. Produced by regular manufacturers, the packaging printing is more clear, there is a license number, the specified friction coefficient, the implementation of standards, etc., the packaging box has a certificate, production batch number, production date, etc., so it is necessary to check whether the product packaging is intact, the anti-counterfeiting mark and the packaging mark are consistent with the mark on the product model is consistent with the content of the certificate. Ako je ambalaža jednostavna, informacije su nepotpune ili ne, ili čak "tri ne" proizvode, trebali biste ga pažljivo razmotriti. Pored toga, bilo da je riječ o disku ili bubnju, proizvođač je strogo odredio njenu debljinu, a vlasnik ga može izmjeriti sam.
2. Uporedite li je cijena razumna. Prices on the market range from dozens to hundreds, and businesses in the sale are emphasizing the original factory, in addition to price differences, for quality differences, businesses are also well aware. To dvoje se može reći da su potpuno iste veličine i oblika, ali njihove su cijene tri puta različite. Therefore, a point of price, a point of goods, is indeed the standard for judging the quality of things, as long as it is lower than the market price, it must be inferior.
3. Pridržavajte se izgleda. High quality in the proportion of friction materials in particular, and the appearance looks full of color, there will be a smooth touch, will not easily off the paint, good workmanship. Informal in order to reduce costs, work at will, a large number of cheap metal debris will be used in the production, the color may be red, the surface or has occurred oxidation phenomenon, the red substance is the old saying rust.
4. The friction coefficient of the friction coefficient is too high or too low will affect the brake performance, especially in the high-speed emergency braking, the friction coefficient is too low will appear insensitive, the friction coefficient is too high will appear tire lock Fenomen. According to the SAE standard, the friction plate will choose the FF grade rating coefficient, that is, the friction rating coefficient is 0.35 ~ 0.45. In addition, according to the national standard, the appropriate working temperature of the friction sheet is 100 ~ 350 ° C, and the coefficient of friction will drop sharply when the inferior temperature reaches 250 ° C, and there is a failure.
It is said that the driver is a high-risk occupation, a heavy truck loads dozens of tons of cargo, the operation and the car is completely comparable, once an accident, the consequences are unimaginable. Dobar može smanjiti vjerojatnost nesreća na minimum. Za sigurnost većine vozača moramo odabrati osiguranje kvaliteta prilikom kupovine.
Gore navedeno jeProizvođači auto kočnice
Vrijeme objavljivanja: Feb-07-2025